Our annual faculty, staff, and student retreat is one of the most exciting initiatives arising from our Vision for Seminary Education at Briercrest. Aiming to build relationships and strengthen our seminary identity, we will spend time worshipping, eating, and playing together at Dallas Valley Ranch Camp on June 6-7, 2025.

Why a retreat?

As we offer more classes online there is potential for us to feel isolated and disconnected. That’s why we are creating opportunities for our students, staff, and faculty to meet and get to know each other in contexts where we can be physically together. Gathering in-person (as opposed to meeting online) requires more time, effort, and money, but we think the rewards will more than make up for it. Our retreat is non-academic in nature, and meant to nurture deep-spirited friendships, godly character, and provide an initiation into the Briercrest Seminary community as our online offerings continue to gain momentum.


While the retreat will be strongly recommended for all students, it will only be required for CM 600 Spiritual Formation for Ministry students. That course, along with 5 others, has been purposely scheduled to coincide with the Friday-Saturday retreat. We encourage all students to register for one course scheduled around the retreat (or, two courses if you are keen: one on each side).


Q and A

What are the accommodations?

We will be staying in the lodge rooms at Dallas Valley Ranch Camp; each room will accommodate 2-3 people.


How much will it cost?

We are actively raising support to cover most of the retreat costs so that the retreat fee (including travel from Briercrest to and from the camp, meals, and lodging) will only be $25.


Can I bring my spouse?

Yes!  Spouses are welcome to join the retreat for the same registration fee as students.  However, we are unable to invite children to attend at this time.


Is there a registration deadline?

Yes!  In order to plan and coordinate with the camp, registration will close on April 25, 2025.


Is there a tentative schedule?

Please see below.

For planning purposes, we will plan to leave Caronport on Friday, June 6 at approximately 1:30pm and return to Caronport on Saturday by 5:30pm.



Tentative Retreat Schedule

  • 3:00pm Arrive at Dallas Valley and settle in
  • 3:30pm Welcome, Introductions, Small Group Time
  • 5:00pm Dinner
  • 6:30pm Evening Group Activities (incl. campfire and games)
  • Prayer Walk (opt.)
  • 8:30am Breakfast
  • 9:00am Worship, Devotional, Prayer and Reflection
  • 10:30am Break
  • 11:00am Small Group Time
  • Noon Lunch
  • 1:00pm Outdoor Activity
  • 3:00pm Communion
  • 4:00pm Depart from Dallas Valley



There is a $25.00 fee to register.  Hit the button to the right to register now.