Study Areas


Biblical Studies

Develop skills and methods for engaging in sound and thoughtful interpretation of the Bible for use in ministry or mission settings or as a firm foundation for a variety of careers in the marketplace.

  • BLST 601 Old Testament Survey

    The Old Testament describes the nature, character, and actions of God as he creates, is rejected, and then graciously pursues his creation through covenant, temple, kingship, prophet, and other means. This course surveys the historical context, literary styles and genres, and theological themes of the books of the Old Testament. Students will also be introduced to a number of methodological perspectives, including historical-critical, rhetorical, literary, and canonical.

  • BLST 602 Introduction to Biblical Interpretation

    An introduction to the principles and practices of biblical interpretation, including a discussion of basic hermeneutical theory, the interpretation of different genres, and the application of practical Bible study skills.

  • BLST 606 New Testament Survey

    The New Testament consists of numerous types of literature, and reflects the activities, beliefs and teachings of Jesus and his followers. This course explores the historical context, literary styles and theological themes of each of the books of the New Testament, and of the New Testament as a whole, with the goal of applying these texts to our Christian discipleship and ministry. The course also introduces students to select critical methods of New Testament study, observing the strengths and weakness of each approach.

  • BLST 610 Pentateuch

    An introduction to the five books of the Pentateuch. Attention will be given to different genres found in these books, their ancient Middle Eastern context, and preaching and teaching these texts in the church.

  • BLST 620 Pauline Epistles

    A study of the key themes in the letters of Paul, especially as these relate to his Jewish heritage and Greco-Roman context. The study will include careful analysis of the biblical text as well as critical engagement with the methods and perspectives of leading Pauline scholars. Special attention will be given to a range of issues that have significance for the church including church leadership, the role of women in ministry, the work of the Spirit, and the use of the Jewish scriptures as a frame of reference for Christian life.

  • BLST 627 Pastoral Epistles: Studies in New Testament Church Leadership

    A study of 1 and 2 Timothy and Titus, concentrating on the qualifications, selection, responsibilities, and authority of church leaders, and an examination of current models of church government in light of Scripture.

  • BLST 701 Advanced Hermeneutics

    An examination of current issues in hermeneutics, including the problem of meaning, presuppositions behind pre-modern, modern, and postmodern methodologies, and an introduction to major critical methodologies in biblical studies. Students will gain wide exposure to how the Bible has been studied in the last two centuries and gain practice in applying these methods to select texts.

  • BLST 714 Psalms: The Poetry of Prayer

    An introduction to major genres and literary and theological dimensions of the Psalms. We will consider the psalms in their ancient Israelite context, their prefiguring of the ministry, sufferings, and vindication of that greater Davidic King, Jesus Christ, and the application of both laments and hymns to modern disciples of Christ.

  • BLST 715 Old Testament Wisdom Literature

    An introduction to the interpretation of Old Testament wisdom literature. This course will focus on ancient Israelite wisdom as a life skill in church settings (Proverbs), how to minister to those suffering in inexplicable ways (Job), and how Ecclesiastes' theme of 'vanity' provides a way to engage with God's gifts of life and work.

    Note: Students with credit for BLST 615 Where Can Wisdom Be Found may not take this course for credit.

  • BLST 717 The Former Prophets: Joshua through Kings

    An introduction to the books of Joshua, Judges, Samuel, and Kings. This class focuses on the narrative art of these books as a window to their portrayal of the Lord's covenant relationship with his people, the success or failure of Israel's leaders, and the application of these books to the church.

  • BLST 719 The Latter Prophets

    An introduction to the latter prophets which focuses on one or more of the Latter Prophets and the hermeneutical skills necessary to interpret and apply the ancient text in contemporary ministry settings.

    Note: This course may be taken more than once as the focus of this course varies from year to year.

  • BLST 721 Studies in the Gospel of Matthew

    Early in the church's history, Matthew's Gospel became the place to turn to encounter Jesus' teaching and his mission. This course offers an introduction to contemporary Matthean scholarship and to the critical study of the Gospels, but focuses on a close reading of Matthew's Gospel itself. Special attention will be devoted to the theology that emerges from this Gospel and to its importance for the church today.

  • BLST 722 Studies in the Gospel of Luke

    In recognition of Luke's unique contribution as a literary artist, historian, and theologian, this course aims to provide a forum for analysis and discussion of his distinct treatment of the story of Jesus and his followers. Such an undertaking will entail serious engagement with the biblical text, a critical evaluation of the methods and views of leading scholars of Luke-Acts, and a consideration of how Luke challenges us to become faithful disciples of Jesus.

  • BLST 723 Sermon on the Mount

    An exposition of Jesus' Sermon on the Mount in Matthew 5-7. The emphasis is upon the distinctive character that is expected of the Christian. This is designed to be a penetrating study for "would-be" disciples of Jesus.

  • BLST 725 The Acts of the Apostles

    In recognition of Luke's unique contribution as a literary artist, historian, and theologian, this course provides a forum for study of his vivid account of emergence the nascent Christ-believing community. Special attention will be given to the Jewish heritage and Greco-Roman context out of which this group emerged. The study will include serious engagement with the biblical text, critical evaluation of the methods and views of leading scholars of Luke-Acts, and a consideration of how the book of Acts can inform the beliefs and practices of the contemporary church.

  • BLST 728 Hebrews: The Supremacy of Christ

    This exegetical, theological, and practical study of the book of Hebrews places special emphasis on its teachings regarding the person and work of Christ, the new covenant, its use of the Old Testament, the life of faith, and its distinctive warnings.

  • BLST 729 Revelation: Jesus' Letter to the Church

    In a world that has become increasingly unstable, the message of Revelation is more relevant than ever. Revelation begins with an important promise about what is to follow: "Blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written in it" (1:3). But how can we respond to its message if we do not understand it? What exactly is the message of the book of Revelation? To answer this question we examine the genre of Revelation and its likely function, and carefully consider the merit and implications of various approaches to interpretation, including futurist (dispensationalist), preterist, historicist, and idealist approaches.

  • BLST 801 Jewish Backgrounds to Early Christianity

    A seminar on the history, literature, and thought of early Judaism (from 300 BCE to 200 CE). This course highlights the Jewish origins of Christianity, illuminates the thought world of Jesus and his Jewish contemporaries, and explores the reasons for the eventual "parting of ways" between Judaism and Christianity.

  • BLST 805 Scripture and Theological Interpretation

    This course examines what it means to confess that scripture is the Word of God and is authoritative in all matters of faith and life. Through advanced study in the doctrine of scripture and its theological interpretation, students are exposed to the most influential schools of thought in contemporary theology.

    Cross-listed: THEO 805 Scripture and Theological Interpretation

  • BLST 817 Old Testament Specialty

    An examination of a particular emphasis or set of issues in the field of Old Testament studies. The subject and instructor vary from year to year.

  • BLST 825 Romans

    A study of Paul's letter to the Romans, with particular attention to its historical setting, its theological argument, and its continuing significance for the church.

  • BLST 849 New Testament Specialty

    An examination of a particular emphasis or set of issues in the field of New Testament studies. The subject and instructor vary from year to year.

  • BLST 891 MABLE Comprehensive Exam

    The written comprehensive exam for the MABLE degree involves translating and commenting on passages from the Old Testament and the New Testament. A student who has completed BLST 891 will receive a "P" (pass) on their transcript.